Tugas ini Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Tugas Mata Kuliah
Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pengampu: Aisyah Munarwan, M.Pd.

1440 H/ 2018 M


Assalmu’alaikum, Wr.Wb
Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat, taufik serta hidayah-Nya kepada penulis sehingg penulis dapat menyelesaikan tugas ini dengan baik dan sesuai waktu yang telah ditentukan yaitu dengan tugas Analisis Jurnal.
Penulis dalam penyusunan tugas ini telah banyak mendapatkan motivasi dan bantuan dari berbagai pihak, maka pada kesempatan ini penulis ingin mengucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada dosen pengampu Ibu Aisyah Munarwan, M.Pd. dan seluruh rekan-rekan yang telah membantu penulis dalam penyelesaian tugas ini.
Penulis menyadari bahwa penyusunan tugas ini masih banyak kesalahan dan kekeliuran, maka dari itu penulis sangat mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari berbagai pihak untuk perbaikan tugas kedepannya.
Demikian yang dapat penulis sampaikan, semoga analisis jurnal ini dapat bermanfaat bagi para pembaca umumnya dan bagi penulis sendiri khususnya.
Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr.Wb

Metro, 05 Desember 2018


HALAMAN JUDUL...................................................................................... i
KATA PENGANTAR................................................................................... ii
DAFTAR ISI.................................................................................................. iii

A.    Latar Belakang............................................................................... 1
B.     Rumusan Masalah........................................................................... 1
C.     Tujuan Penulisan............................................................................. 1

A.    Jurnal Asli....................................................................................... 2
B.     Analisis Jurnal................................................................................. 10

A.    Kesimpulan..................................................................................... 13
B.     Saran............................................................................................... 13


A.    Latar Belakang
Kinerja suatu perusahaan maka salah satunya dapat di ambil dari gambaran Profitabilitas dimana tingkat kemampuan perusahaan dalam menghasilkan suatu pendapatan maupun pemasukan yang tercermin dalam laba perusahaan, pihak manajemen selaku pelaksana dari suatu perusahaan mempunyai tanggung jawab akan berlangsungnya operasi perusahaan. Selain itu pihak manajemen mempunyai tanggung jawab yaitu tanggung jawab untuk memperoleh dana untuk membiayai aktiva dan tanggung jawab untuk menggunakan aktiva yang dimiliki perusahaan.

B.     Rumusan Masalah
Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas maka penulis maka dapat dirumuskan yaitu bagaimana “TREND ANALYSIS OF ISLAMIC BANKING FINANCIAL”

C.    Tujuan Penulisan
Dari rumusan masalah diatas maka tujuan penulisan ini yaitu untuk mengetahui TREND ANALYSIS OF ISLAMIC BANKING FINANCIAL”


A.    Jurnal Asli


Andri Veno
FEB etc. Muh. Surakarta E-mail:


Trend analysis is a method of statistical analysis that is intended to Make an estimate or forecast the future. To do a good forecasting is needed various kinds of information (data) is quite a lot and observed in a period of Relatively long, so that the analysis can Determine how many big fluctuations and the factors that influence Reviews those change. The profitability ratios will provide an overview of the effectiveness of the management of the company. The greater the profitability means the better, Because The prosperity of the owner of the company Increased with greater profitability. Profitability ratios Consist of Profit Margin, Basic Earning Power, Return on Assets and Return on Equity.

Keyword: Trend Analysis, Profitability ratio, Return on Equity

A.    Preliminary
Islamic Sharia is a view of life that is balanced and integrated, was created to deliver humans to happiness in this world and the hereafter (Falah) through enforcement of appeals that have been kodifikasikan in the Qur 'an and Sunnah. The rules contained in the Qur 'an and Sunnah that regulate human various aspects. Shariah financial labeled "continues to develop at a large scale by offering products that diverse terms in Arabic. Many people are still confused by these terms and still in doubt whether all these products are really far from shari'ah offense "at or just the mere engineering. Financing based on Islamic principles constitute the main business of banks that operate sharia. Basically financing could result in the risk of failure, where the risk can be referred to financing risk. Errors in the provision of financing may lead to financing problems.
In the Al-Quran has mentioned about the usury laws such as the interpretation An-Nisa 'verse 161 "[4: 161] and caused them to eat usury, when in fact they had been forbidden it, and because they eat people's property by way of vanity. We have prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful punishment”. “Tarsiran others Imran Verse 130 "[ 3: 130] O ye who believe, do not consume usury doubled and fear Allah and that ye may prosper ", And many other interpretations of the law of savings and loans. The interpretation becomes submissions for companies or banks doing business in order to achieve justice and optimized performance according to Islamic law.
In assessing the performance of a company then one of them can be taken from the description of profitability where the level of the company's ability to generate an income as well as income which is reflected in the profit of the company, the management of a company, the operator has the responsibility to be the ongoing operations of the company. In addition, the management has the responsibility that the responsibility to obtain funds to finance assets and responsibility for the use of assets owned by the company in order earn (Prastowo, 2002: 38). Level profitability generated by the company's investors are often taken into consideration in their investment choices. How much profit can be generated by the company is an important factor in the success measure management performance.
According to Ibrahim (2003), to determine the prospects of the proposed project needs to be held forecasting of market opportunity of the products produced. The market opportunity is a very important aspect to be considered because of the absence of marketing of the product, there is no means an attempt to continue.
Forecasting has an idea as estimates or conjecture about something that will happen in the future with regard to the past kejadiankejadian scientifically analyzed in particular by using statistical methods.
Forecasting results or estimates may also be used as a measure of the information in the size of the planned production capacity. The smaller production capacity compared to the market opportunities available then more likely level success. Conversely, the greater the production capacity compared with the opportunities provided less opportunity to establish or develop a business.
One of the statistical tools that can be used to estimate the state of a business in the future by data time then is trend. trend is forecasting a variable with the independent variable of time or movement of time series for several years and tend toward a direction, in which direction to go up, flat, or declining (Ibrahim, 2003). forecasting is an continuation of            line trend pass the time of Last observation until the time of the forecast was made. Based on the description above tujuana this study will review trends, Analyzing Profitability Pembiyaaan Sharia in Indonesia. Profitability development Pembiyaaan Sharia in Indonesia can be projected on the long term by using trend analysis ( least square method). This trend line will be able to describe the development of profitability ( ROE).

B.     Theoretical basis
1.      Syariah banking
Karim (2006) states that musyarakah are all forms of business that involves two or more parties in which they jointly integrate all forms of resources both tangible and berwujud. Keuntungan and losses are shared in proportion to the predetermined, Through financing       for result that channeled, Islamic banks will earn revenue in the form of profit sharing that are part of the bank.
From the management of financing murabaha, Islamic banks earn income in accordance with the ratio agreed with the customer (Mohammed, 2005). Earned income will affect the amount of the profits from the banks. The amount of the profits from Islamic banks will be able to affect the profitability achieved. Banking instrumental in facilitating the transfer of funds from the excess funds at the party in need of funds, to perform the process, collect funds from public banks that have excess funds and distribute those funds back to the people who need those funds to more productive activities. That role makes banking referred to as nor for the use of funds, deposit or loan, the bank can be divided into two, namely conventional banks and Islamic banks. Conventional Banks            is the bank in activities, both fund-raising and in order to received the funds, giving and wearing compensation in the form of interest or the amount of paid within a certain percentage of funds for a certain period, while the Islamic bank is a bank that in its activities, well fund raising and channeling funds in order to provide and wear rewards referring to Islamic law, and the activities are not charging interest, and does not pay interest to clients. The consideration received by Islamic banks, as well as paid customers depending on the contract and the agreement between the customer and the bank (Ismail, 2010).
Banking by types of operations are divided into two covers. Conventional banks are banks in operation applying the method of interest, because the interest method gotten there first, it becomes a habit and have been used widely in comparison with methods for the results. Conventional banks generally operate by releasing products to absorb public funds and funds that have been collected by way of issuing credit.
While the Islamic bank is a bank that operates in accordance with the principles of Islamic law, that is a bank in its operations following the provisions of Islamic law, especially regarding the procedure bermuamalah in Islam. Activities of Islamic banks in terms of pricing the product is very different from conventional banks. Pricing for Islamic banks are based on an agreement between the bank and depositors in accordance with the type of deposit and the duration, which will determine the size of the portion of the proceeds to be received storage. In order to carry out its activities, Islamic banks should be based on the Qur 'an and hadith. Islamic banks forbid the use of the product's price with flowers certain. For Islamic banks, bank interest is usury.
The legal basis for the restructuring of financing, in general is the Islamic Banking Act Article 36, and in particular is Article 2 (1) Regulation No. 10/18 / PBI / 2008 and I number 4 SEBI Item No. 10/34 / DPbS / 2008, regarding Restructuring Financing for Islamic Banks and Islamic Business Unit. Pursuant to Article 36 of Islamic Banking Act and Article 2 (1) Regulation No. 10/18 / PBI / 2008, as well as the first item number (4) of SEBI No. 10/34 / DPbS / 2008, the principles of murabaha financing restructuring must consider several things. First, the principle of not harming the bank and its customers, which the bank to restructure the financing as well as business activities should be done in ways that do not harm the Islamic bank and the customer. Second, prudential principle, which the Islamic bank to have confidence in the willingness and ability of customers to pay their obligations on time.
2.      Company performance

Company as one form of organization generally has a specific goal to be achieved in efforts to meet the interests of the shareholders. The purpose of the company, among others for a profit ( profit), enhance corporate value and to satisfy the needs of the community. The achievement of these objectives are determined by the performance that can later be used as a basis for decision making both internal and external parties.
The level of profitability used as the basis for measuring the financial performance of the company, this is done considering the attractiveness of the business ( business attractiveness) is one of the important indicators in the competition, while the attractiveness of the business indicators can be measured on the profitability of the business, such as ROA, ROE and NPM. more and more the higher the ratio will attract new entrants to enter the world of business, so that the conditions of competition will make rate of return tended towards equilibrium (Gale, 1972). Business appeal the higher will encourage new entrants to enter the business world so that abnormal earnings will gradually back down to the normal profit. Return On Equity ( ROE) is a ratio that shows the company's ability to generate net income return on equity for shareholders. Return On Equity ( ROE) is a financial ratio used to measure level the profitability of the equity. The larger the ROE results, the better its performance.
Increasing the ratio indicates that the increased management performance manage sources of funds operational financing effectively to generate net income (increased profitability). So it can be said that in addition to pay attention to the effectiveness of management in managing the company's investments, investors also pay attention to the performance of management capable of managing the operational source of funding, effectively creating a net profit. Purnomo (1998) in Itan and Syakhroza (2003) states that the stock price sensitivity to changes in ROE.
Profitability ratio is the ratio that describes the company's ability to generate capital gains by using embedded therein. profitability ratios Return on Equity ( ROE). This ratio measures the ability of the company makes a profit provided shareholders of the company. Return on Equity ( ROE) is calculated using the formula:

Return on Equity (ROE) =
ModalSendi         ri

3.      Trend Analysis
Trend analysis is a method of statistical analysis that is intended to make an estimate or forecast the future. To do a good forecasting is needed various kinds of information (data) is quite a lot and observed in the time period is relatively long, so the analysis can know the extent of how much the fluctuations and the factors that influence those changes.
Theoretically, in a time series analysis (time series) thing that is crucial is the quality and accuracy of the data obtained and the time or period of the data collected. If the data collected is the more the better the estimation or prediction obtained. Instead, if the data collected more with a modicum the estimation or forecasting results will be ugly. Because, basically, the more data, the better the level of its conclusions.

C.    Research methodology
1.      Types and Sources of Data
Data used in this research is secondary data. Data in the form of financial ratio of Islamic finance, the result processed financial statements of Bank Syariah financing the 2008-2014 period have been audited and published. Researchers used data time series from 2009 to 2014. The bank issued by Indonesia with the banking statistics report Syari "ah.
2.      Data Analysis Techniques
Quantitative data analysis, the method of data analysis that has to do with formulas and figures relating to the financial ratio analysis: (1) Calculated financial ratios Financing Bank Sharia about the profitability ratio (2) Create a table of financial ratios Financing Bank Rakyat Syariah; (3) the financial profitability ratios Menganalisisis Financing Bank Rakyat Syariah using time series analysis; and (4) Summing up the results of the analysis. The method can be used for time series analysis are: Method least Square Linear equation of time series analysis are:

y = a + bx

Information :

y is the dependent variable (not free) is sought trends.

x is the independent variable (free) with the use of time (usually a year).

To find a value constants a and b can be used equation:
a.    y and N b = 2

D.    Results and Discussion
Profitability is the ability to generate profits (Profit) during a certain period by using productive assets or capital, both overall capital and equity (Van Horn and Wachowiez, 1997: 148-149). Opinion         Another mentioned that the profitability. According to Brigham in his book "Managerial Finance" suggests profitability  as follows : "Profitability is the result of a large number of policies and decision". The company is one of the indicators included in the information on long-term company performance. The financial performance can be seen through the analysis of financial statements.
Sartono (2001: 119) defines profitability as the ability company makes a profit in relation to sales, total assets and equity. The profitability ratios will provide an overview of the effectiveness of management of the company. The greater the profitability means the better, because the prosperity of the owner of the company increased with greater profitability. Profitability ratios consists of Profit Margin, Basic Earning Power, Return on Assets, and Return On Equity. For Research Take one picture of profitability by Return On Equity.
E.     Conclusions and suggestions
1.      Conclusions
Based on the description above discussion it can be concluded that:
a)      The 2008-2014 Performance of Islamic banking are likely increased profitability in terms of financial ratios REO with the highest rates in 2009.
b)      Trend forecasting performance of Islamic banking in 2015-2017 also continued to experience growth in terms of profitability of financial ratios REO with the highest prediction in 2016.
c)      With the ratio of the Islamic Banking experienced increases, the tendency of hope for the people of Muslim-majority Indonesia to invest according to Islamic law sharia becoming convinced by the performance of sharia banking.
2.      Suggestions
a)      For an overview of Islamic banking performance based profitability using a proxy other than the Return on Equity (ROE) is Profit Margin, Basic Earning Power, Return On Assets so as to generalize picture overall profitability.
b)      Performance Trend 2015-2017 year only Islamic banking so it can not determine the trend 10 years to come in order to give the assurance to the customer which wishing sharia.
c)      Future studies can compare performance ratio of conventional banking financial gain percentage difference in the profitability of financial ratios.

B.     Analisis Jurnal


Andri Veno


FEB Univ. Muh. Surakarta


Dari penjelasan diatas maka penulis berpendapat bahwa Islam telah memberikan pedoman manusia dalam berbagai aspek. Salah satunya yaitu dalam analisis trend kinerja keuangan perbankan syariah. Pembiayaan musyarakah merupakan semua bentuk usaha yang melibatkan dua pihak atau lebih dimana mereka secara bersama-sama memadukan seluruh bentuk sumber daya baik yang berwujud maupun tidak berwujud.Keuntungan dan kerugian ditanggung bersama sesuai dengan proporsi yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya, melalui pembiayaan bagi hasil yang disalurkan,bank syariah akan memperoleh pendapatan berupa bagi hasil yang menjadi bagian bank.
Berdasarkan hal tersebut penulis bependapat bahwa menilai kinerja suatu perusahaan maka salah satunya dapat di ambil dari gambaran Profitabilitas dimana tingkat kemampuan perusahaan dalam menghasilkan suatu pendapatan maupun pemasukan yang tercermin dalam laba perusahaan, pihak manajemen selaku pelaksana dari suatu perusahaan mempunyai tanggung jawab akan berlangsungnya operasi perusahaan.

A.    Pendahuluan
Untuk mengetahui prospek usaha dari proyek yang direncanakan perlu diadakan peramalan tentang peluang pasar dari produk yang dihasilkan. Peluang pasar merupakan aspek yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan karena tanpa adanya pemasaran dari produk yang dihasilkan, tidak ada artinya suatu usaha dilanjutkan. Peramalan mempunyai pengertian sebagai perkiraan atau dugaan terhadap sesuatu yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang dengan berdasar pada kejadian-kejadian di masa lalu yang dianalisis secara ilmiah khususnya dengan menggunakan metode statistik.
Dalam menilai kinerja suatu perusahaan maka salah satunya dapat di ambil dari gambaran Profitabilitas dimana tingkat kemampuan perusahaan dalam menghasilkan suatu pendapatan maupun pemasukan yang tercermin dalam laba perusahaan, pihak manajemen selaku pelaksana dari suatu perusahaan mempunyai tanggung jawab akan berlangsungnya operasi perusahaan. Selain itu pihak manajemen mempunyai tanggung jawab yaitu tanggung jawab untuk memperoleh dana untuk membiayai aktiva dan tanggung jawab untuk menggunakan aktiva yang dimiliki perusahaan.

B.     Landasan Teori
1.      Perbankan Syariah
Pada pembahasan ini penulis dapat menganalisis bahwa perbankan syariah ini adalah pembiayaan musyarakah, yang dimana keuntungan dan kerugian ditanggun bersama sesuai dengan proporsi yang telah disepakati bersama.
Dari pengelolaan pembiayaan murabahah tersebut, bank syariah dapat memperoleh pendapatan sesuai dengan nisbah yang telah disepakati ataupun disetujui oleh nasabah. Maka dari itu besarnya laba yang diperoleh bank syariah maka akan mampu mempengaruhi profibilitas yang di capai. Disini bank berperan dalam mempermudah proses pengalihan dana dari pihak yang mempunyai dana lebih kepada pihak yang membutuhkan dana.
2.      Kinerja Perusahaan
Berdasarkan analisis penulis, perusahaan yang ingin mengukur kinerja sebuah perusahaan yaitu dapat dilihat dari tingkat profibilitasnya. Yaitu yang dapat diukur melalui profibilatas usaha, seperti ROA, ROE dan NPM. Maka apabila semakin tinggi rasio tersebut maka akan semakin menarik pendatang untuk masuk dalam dunia usaha tersebut.
Dari analisis disini dapat diketahui bahwa apabila kinerja manajemen meningkat dalam mengelola sumber dana pembiayaan operasional secara efektif untuk menghasilkan laba bersih, maka dapat dilihat dari rasio yang meningkat.
3.      Analisis Trend
Dalam analisis trend disini dapat diketahui yaitu suatu metode untuk menganalisis statistika yang ditujukan untuk melakukan suatu estimasi atau peramalan pada masa yang akan datang. Dalam peramalan tersebut apabila ingin mendapatkan hasil yang baik maka dibutuhkan berbagai informasi dan waktu yang relatif cukup panjang.
Untuk melakukan analisis trendi disini diperlukan analisis runtun waktu, yaitu hal yang sangat menentukan adalah kualitas dan keakuratan dari data-data yang diperoleh serta waktu atau periode dari data-data tersebut yang dikumpulkan. Jika data tersebut semakin banyak maka semakin baik estimasi atau peramalan yang diperoleh, tetapi sebaliknya apabila data yang terkumpul sedikit maka hasil estimasi atau peramalannya juga akan semakin jelek.


A.    Kesimpulan
Hasil peramalan atau perkiraan juga dapat digunakan sebagai informasi dalam mengukur tentang besar kecilnya kapasitas produksi yang direncanakan. Semakin kecil kapasitas produksi dibandingkan dengan peluang pasar yang tersedia maka semakin besar kemungkinan tingkat keberhasilan. Sebaliknya, semakin besar kapasitas produksi dibandingkan dengan peluang yang tersedia semakin kecil kesempatan untuk mendirikan atau mengembangkan suatu usaha.
B.     Saran
1.      Bagi mahasiswa diharapkan agar mengikuti kegiatan belajar mengajar dikelas dengan baik, memahami setiap materi yang disampaikan oleh dosen dan seluruh rekan-rekan.
2.      Bagi dosen pengampu diharapkan agar lebih bijak dalam membuat peraturan ataupun kontrak kuliah terhadap mahasiswa. Agar lebih bijak dalam menilai setiap individu mahasiswa, selain itu diharapkan agar lebih obyektif dalam menyampaikan materi.
3.      Bagi Jurusan ataupun Fakultas agar lebih memperhatikan mahasiswanya, dalam menyediakan sarana prasarana bagi mahasiswa, diharapkan lebih berperan dalam mengedepankan ilmu agama maupun ilmu pengetahuan terhadap mahasiswa, jangan mempersulit mahasiswa baik dari administrasi dan lain sebagainya.

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